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Error de declaración de Flat Structures despues de upgrace de 4.6 a 6.0

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  • Error de declaración de Flat Structures despues de upgrace de 4.6 a 6.0

    Buen día, en la empresa donde laboro se ha realizado el Upgrade de SAP de la version 4.6 a la 6.0, ahora cuando quiero ejecutar uno de los programas Z me aparece el siguiente error:

    "SSFCOMPOP" must be a flat structure. You cannot use internal tables, strings, references, or structures as components ."

    en el programa se usa la variable w_ssfcompop la cual esta declarada de la siguiente forma:

    DATA: w_ssfcompop LIKE ssfcompop.

    en esa variable es donde marca el error, no se si alguien mepuede ayudar, si alguien ha tenido un problema similar o bien, si alguien me puede pasar información sobre Flat Structures, tal vez tenga que declararla de otra forma en la version 6.0, de antemano gracias.

  • #2
    Clausula LIKE obsoleta para las Flat Structures


    He encontrado esto. Espero que te sirva. Salu2.

    Typing of interface parameters

    The parameter interface of a function module is public across the system. Interface parameters can
    therefore only be typed with reference to data types from the ABAP Dictionary or from the public visible
    section of global classes. In the Function Builder, interface parameters can be typed by the selection of
    either TYPE, TYPE REF TO or LIKE. While typing with TYPE is also displayed as TYPE in the above
    syntax, typing with LIKE is not only represented by LIKE, but also by STRUCTURE.

    - Typing with TYPE [REF TO] is the recommended typing for interface parameters of function
    modules. It takes place when TYPE or TYPE REF TO is selected in the Function Builder. For
    IMPORTING, EXPORTING, and CHANGING parameters, any predefined ABAP type (complete or
    generic), or any data type from the ABAP Dictionary or from the public visibility section of a global
    class can be specified after TYPE. After TYPE REF TO, the generic data type data, a non-generic
    data type, or an object type can be specified and the interface parameter is typed as a reference
    variable. In TABLES parameters, only one table type itab_type can be specified from the ABAP
    Dictionary of table type 'standard table' with a flat line type. The typing check is performed in the
    same way as for subprograms and methods.

    - Typing with LIKE is obsolete. It takes place if an elementary component of a flat structure (or
    database table) struc-comp from the ABAP Dictionary is specified after LIKE in the Function
    Builder. The typing check is the same as for the specification of components after TYPE, with the
    exception that the fractional portion is not taken into account for packed numbers.

    - Typing with STRUCTURE is obsolete. It takes place if a flat structure structure (or database table)
    struc from the ABAP Dictionary is specified after LIKE in the Function Builder. This structure is
    then forced on the formal parameter (casting), and it is possible to access the individual components.
    For a formal parameter typed with STRUCTURE, a connected actual parameter must be a structure.
    In non-Unicode programs, the actual parameter must be suitably aligned (in pass by reference) and
    its length must exactly match the length of the forced structure struc, with the exception of table
    parameters. For table parameters, the length of the actual parameter must be at least the length of the
    structure. In Unicode programs, the Unicode fragment view of a structured actual parameter must
    match that of struc. For an elementary actual parameter this must be character-type and flat.


    • #3

      Gracias por la Información, ya he revisado el problema, en realidad no es una estructura plana y cre por eso no me dejaba declararla con el LIKE, asi que la declaré como TYPE y todo funciona bien.

