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Error 500 fiori launchpad

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  • Error 500 fiori launchpad

    Hola, al intentar correr la transacción /ui2/flp para abrir el Fiori Launchpad me devuelve un error 500. Lo raro es que si pongo la URL a mano funciona perfectamente.

    Se les ocurre cuál puede ser el problema?

  • #2
    Hola Juanma,

    según lo que encontré en la nota 2483210 - HTTP 500 error occurs when calling SAPGUI transactions - the call is stuck in the /sap/public/myssocntl service la solución sería la siguiente:


    As a workaround, you can deactive the ICF service /sap/public/myssocntl in the transaction SICF. This can be done in the SICF tree structure, via Right Click / Deactivate Service. As a result, a logon screen will be displayed in the browser, instead of the HTTP 500 error (or blank screen). After entering the logon details, the application can be accessed.

    To resolve the issue, follow the steps in the Guided Answer Blank browser screen is displayed, call is stuck in the myssocntl service.

    Alternatively, go through the below checklist:

    1. Are you getting a certificate error when the browser window is displayed?
    • If No, proceed to the next point.
    • If Yes, the certificate error (" There is a problem with this website's security certificate ") needs to be avoided. Certificate errors strip off the SSO header from the request, so the myssocntl service will have no SSO data to work with. The most common root cause is that a self signed certificate is used. See the KBA 2339387 for details. As a workaround, you can use HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS - the certificate error will probably not occur when using HTTP. See point 3. below.

    2. What is the user type of the user that calls the transaction? This can be checked in the transaction SU01, on the tab Logon Data. If it is a Service user, then test the behavior with a Dialog user. Also, check the value of the parameter login/create_sso2_ticket as described in the SAP Note 2694092.

    3. Is the scenario expected to use HTTPS protocol?

    This is the case if at least one of the below points is true:
      • The parameter login/ticket_only_by_https has the value 1. In this case, logon tickets will only be sent via HTTPS protocol.
      • In the SICF detail view of the relevant service, the radiobutton SSL is set on the tab Logon Data, in the section Security Requirement. The relevant ICF service can be determined from the application URL - for example, for the transaction SOAMANAGER, the application URL is http(s)://<host>:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/APPL_SOAP_MANAGEMENT, and the relevant service is /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/APPL_SOAP_MANAGEMENT. If you are not sure what is the application URL, then temporarily deactive the ICF service /sap/public/myssocntl, and call the transaction again - then, the browser's address bar will show the application URL.
      • The table HTTPURLLOC contains only entries with HTTPS protocol. See also point 6. below.
    • If None of the above points is true, proceed to point 5.
    • If Yes, make sure that you have a valid HTTPS service configured in the system. This can be checked in the transaction SMICM, in the menu item Goto / Services. An HTTPS service must be configured here with a valid port (other than 0), and the Active flag must be set for the service. For further information about changing services in transaction SMICM, read the Online Documentation: Displaying and Changing Services.

    4. Are you using an SAP Web Dispatcher in the scenario?
    • If No, proceed to the next point.
    • If Yes, make sure that the Web Dispatcher does not terminate the HTTPS connection - check the parameter wdisp/ssl_encrypt in the Web Dispatcher profile. Per default (parameter value 0), the Web Dispatcher switches over from HTTPS to HTTP, and this will cause the above symptom, if the service is configured to use HTTPS, or if there is no HTTP service configured in the system. Note: This protocol switch will not be visible in the browser - the address bar will still show HTTPS protocol.

    5. Do you have a valid HTTP service configured in the system? This can be checked in the transaction SMICM, in the menu item Goto / Services. An HTTP service must be configured here with a valid server port (other than 0), and the Active flag must be set for the service. Note: This point does not apply to systems using an HTTPS only setup. For further information about changing services in transaction SMICM, read the Online Documentation: Displaying and Changing Services.

    6. Is the table HTTPURLLOC maintained in the system?
    • If No, proceed to the next point.
    • If Yes, make sure that the table HTTPURLLOC contains host and port entries that are valid in the current system. Crosscheck the port numbers maintained in HTTPURLLOC with the port numbers in SMICM / Goto / Services. Similarly, the host name in HTTPURLLOC must match the host name used by the application server or the Web Dispatcher. Also, make sure that the protocol in the relevant HTTPURLLOC entry matches the security requirement on the Logon Data tab of the relevant SICF service (HTTP protocol for Standard requirement, and HTTPS protocol for SSL requirement). See this Wiki article for details.

    7. If none of the above points help, then create a Customer Incident with the component BC-MID-ICF. In this incident, include the answer to ALL the points above.


    • #3
      Me salvaste, gracias!

