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Catalog service is unavailable. Please try again

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  • Catalog service is unavailable. Please try again


    estoy queriendo hacer una aplicación desde el web ide y me devuelve el siguiente error:

    Catalog service is unavailable. Please try again

    que puede ser? Mi ODATA devuelve status 200 y la conexión del Cloud Connector funciona correctamente.

    Alguna idea de cuál puede ser el problema?

  • #2
    Buenas Irman tanto tiempo!

    deberías hacer lo que dice la nota SAP: 2561567 - "Catalog service is unavailable. Please try again" while selecting OData services in SAP Web IDE


    If Web IDE Personal Edition is being used, refer to KBA 2684697.

    The URL and additional parameters in the destination configuration in your SAP Cloud Platform cockpit need to be correctly set up to reflect how you want to access your backend services:
    • If your URL points directly to a specific service, be sure to set the additional property "WebIDEAdditionalData=full_url" in order for SAP Web IDE to properly interpret the URL. Otherwise, do not set this parameter.
    • If your URL points directly to a service catalog, use the "Service Catalog" tab in the SAP Web IDE creation wizard to display your services.
    • If you'd like to access your services via a path relative to the URL configured in the destination, use the "Service URL" tab in the SAP Web IDE creation wizard. There, select your destination and enter the relative URL of the service.
    • Make sure that the "/sap/bc/adt" service is enabled on the backend system, and that it is returning a valid XML.
    • Make sure that the user using the destination has the necessary roles to access the services on the backend system.
    • Make sure that the gateway is enabled on the backend system.

    Probalo y avisanos.

