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Problems starting Listener and Oracle Services /Oracle Windows Server 2003

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  • Problems starting Listener and Oracle Services /Oracle Windows Server 2003

    Hola a todos;

    Este es mi problema:
    I installed an Oracle database in order to work together with an SAP System in the same machine. The installation was finished with success and everything worked fine.
    After that, I tried to apply the proper patches ( the database by means of the Universal Installer. The Universal Installer asked me to stop the databse services (Oracle Listener, Oracle Service, Oracle SQL plus)in order to follow with the Installation. So I stopped the services in the windows panel : Administrative Tools --> Services.
    Finally, the installation of the Oracle patches couldn't finish anyway because another error, so I decided to stop the patches installation and proceed with it in another time and continue ,in the meantime, with the Oracle version

    But I couldn't start the listener anymore. In Services panel of Windows I get the following error when I try to start the Listener or the Oracle Services :

    error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

    In command prompt I execute the comands :

    LSNRCTL start
    error 1053
    TNS - 12560 : TNS Protocol adapter error
    TNS- 00530 : Protocol adapter error

    LSNRCTL status
    Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = VIE.WORLD))
    TNS -12541: TNS: no listener
    TNS - 12560 : TNS Protocol adapter error
    TNS- 00511 : No listener
    64-bit Wondows error: 2 : No such file or directory
    Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL = IPC)(KEY = VIE))
    TNS -12541: TNS: no listener
    TNS - 12560 : TNS Protocol adapter error
    TNS- 00511 : No listener
    64-bit Wondows error: 2 : No such file or directory
    Connecting to (ADDRESS=(COMMUNITY=SAP.WORLD)(PROTOCOL=TPC)(HOST = "nombre_del_host")(PORT=1527))
    TNS -12541: TNS: no listener
    TNS - 12560 : TNS Protocol adapter error
    TNS- 00511 : No listener
    64-bit Wondows error: 2 : No such file or directory

    I tried to look the solution in the forums and I followed some instructions but it didn't work.
    I checked the environment variables, I checked the path for the Oracle Service and Oracle Listener in the Windows Service panel, the ports must be ok because everything worked fine in the first place...

    I am totally new at this, I started working just a month ago and its my first time with Oracle databases.
    I could use any help, I would appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance

    Editado por última vez por koken; 05/12/2011, 15:40:14.

  • #2
    Hola mumok,

    has podido resolver este inconveniente?


    • #3
      No no he podido no se si ya sea erro de mi saP


      • #4
        Originalmente publicado por dan_10diaz Ver Mensaje
        No no he podido no se si ya sea erro de mi saP

        estás instalando la base Oracle que viene con tu sistema SAP? estás siguiedo el instalation guide?

        (la próxima por favor redacta tus consultas en español, de esa manera mayor cantidad de usuarios podrá ayudarte)

