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Error al consumir de query SAP BW

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  • Universe Error al consumir de query SAP BW


    al querer generar una conexión entre SAP BO y SAP BW a través de Universe Designer me aparece el siguiente error:

    Error al obtener las jerarquías de la dimensión 0INFOPROV (cubo $BWPRCECO): System error in program CL_RRHI_INCL_CREATOR_TID and form _FIND_DOUBLICATES-1-

    Alguna idea de cómo resolverlo?

    Por si suma para que me puedan dar una buena respuesta al consumir desde un query que está con ese multiprovider me funciona ok por ejemplo desde un Webi o mediante bex analyzer.

  • #2

    según lo que pude leer y probar, podrías probar con alguna de estas notas:

    2399896 Inconsistent state of Infoarea hierarchy

    1984939 Exception CX_RSR_X_MESSAGE with INFOAREAHIER hierarchy

    1651185 Refresh Rate for the hierarchy 0INFOAREAHIER

    1815787 - BI 4.0: Error getting hierarchies for dimension 0INFOPROV when trying to generate OLAP universe in UDT

    Esta última nota dice: Reproducing the Issue

    1. Connect to Universe Design Tool, refresh or create a new universe atop a BEx query that contains dimension 0INFOPROV.
    2. The following is displayed; "Error getting hierarchies for dimension 0INFOPROV (Cube <cube name>/<query name>)".
    3. Execute transaction ST22 and you will see a short dump has been created by the BW system.

    • Apply the following corrections:
      • Note 954673 - Exception CX_RSR_X_MESSAGE with INFOAREAHIER hierarchy
      • Note 1530624 - RSRHIEDIR_OLAP inconsistency,Deleted entries of INFOAREAHIER
    • Run the report RSR_REPAIR_INFOAREAHIER, as per note 954673 (you don't need to apply this note).
    • Also check note 1530624 and execute the ZZ_REPAIR_HIEDIR program as mentioned in the note. You will need to apply this note via SNOTE transaction. After running both reports, retest the issue in Universe Design Tool.

