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Queries estadísticos 0TCT

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  • Queries estadísticos 0TCT


    me encuentro con que ahora en BW/4 HANA no existen más los cubos estadísticos, cómo hago para hacer un análisis de la información? debería manejar todo desde el BW/4 HANA Cockpit?

    Muchas gracias!

  • #2

    esta es solución para tu problema:

    Aquí tienen todo el detalle:
    • Rv_C_RspmDtpLoad (RSPM DTP load statistics)
    • Rv_C_RspmRequest (RSPM request statistics)
    • Rv_C_OlapStatACube (query runtime statistics)
    • Rv_C_PcmLogStepCube (statistics for status and runtime information of process instances)
    • Rv_C_HanaNlsDbStat (statistics for the combined SAP HANA/cold store data volume since SAP BW∕4HANA 1.0 SPS08)
    Local User Time in Statistics View and Queries

    Due to technical limitations in component SAP_BASIS 750, it was previously not possible to convert UTC time stamps from the SAP BW∕4HANA statistics tables in ABAP CDS into local user time. All time specifications in the statistics views and statistics queries were therefore in UTC, not in the local user time. Time specifications in the views and queries are now made in the local user time. This affects the following planning cube views:
    • Rv_C_RspmDtpLoad (RSPM DTP load statistics)
    • Rv_C_RspmRequest (RSPM request statistics)
    • Rv_C_OlapStatACube (query runtime statistics)
    • Rv_C_PcmPcCube (process chain statistics)
    • Rv_C_PcmLogStepCube (statistics for status and runtime information of process instances)

    and the following query CDS views:
    • Rv_C_RspmDtpLoadQuery (RSPM DTP load statistics)
    • Rv_C_RspmRequestQuery (RSPM request statistics)
    • Rv_C_OlapStatAQuery (query runtime statistics)
    • Rv_C_PcmPcQuery (process chain statistics)

    The fields in the query CDS views are only offered in the local user time. Fields that were previously delivered in UTC are now delivered in the local user time. Two exceptions to this are the query CDS views Rv_C_RspmDtpLoadQuery (RSPM DTP load statistics) and Rv_C_RspmRequestQuery (RSPM request statistics). To ensure consistency, certain fields for these views are also delivered in UTC.
    Enhancement of Data Volume Statistics

    The following new cubes view have been introduced:
    • RV_C_HanaNlsDbStat_All (Query CDS View: RV_C_HanaNlsDbStat_AllQuery)

      This view provides a current and historical view of the data volume information.
    • RV_C_HanaNlsDbStat_History

      This view provides the historical view of the data volume information.
    • RV_C_HanaNlsDbStat_Last

      This view provides the view of the most recent snapshot of the data volume information.

