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Campo Visual en Tipo de Pedido

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  • Campo Visual en Tipo de Pedido

    Hola amigos del foro

    Una pregunta, como se puede hacer para cambiar un estatus de campo a visual en la creación de pedido (Tx. ME21N) campo precio,para un tipo de pedido en especifico ?

    Existe la manera de hacerlo ?

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  • #2
    Lo tienes que hacer con algun exit de MM, sabiendo desde ya el screen y ubicar el exit correspondiente
    AMPL0001 - User subscreen for additional AMPLdata (manufacturer part number)
    LMELA002 - Adoption of batch number from shippingnotification at time of posting of a goods receipt

    LMELA010 - Incoming shipping notification: adoptionof item data from IDoc

    LMEQR001 - User exit for source determination
    M06B0001 - Role determination for release of requisitions
    M06B0001 - Changes to communication structurefor release of requisitions
    M06B0003 - Number range and document number
    M06B0004 - Number range and document number
    M06B0005 - Changes to communication structurefor overall release of purchase requisitions
    M06E0004 - Changes to communication structurefor release of purchasing document
    M06E0005 - Role determination for release ofpurchasing documents
    ME590001 - Grouping of requisitions for PO splitin transaction ME59
    MEETA001 - Determination of schedule line type(backlog, immediate requirement, forecast)
    MEFLD004 - Determination of earliest deliverydate for checking at time of goods receipt (PO only)
    MELAB001 - Generation of forecast delivery schedule:realization via creation profile
    MEQUERY1 - Enhancement for document overviewME21N / ME51N
    MEVME001 - Calculation of default GR quantityand over/underdelivery tolerances
    MM06E001 - User exits for inbound EDI messagesand outbound purchasing documents
    MM06E003 - Number range and document number
    MM06E004 - Control of import data screens inpurchase orders
    MM06E005 - Customer fields in purchasing documents
    MEREQ001 - Customer's own data in purchase requisitions
    MM06E007 - Change document for requisitions whenconverting into POs
    MM06E008 - Monitoring of contract target valuein case of release orders
    MM06E009 - Relevant texts for "Texts exist" indicator
    MM06E010 - Field selection for vendor address
    MM06E011 - Activation of requisition block
    MM06L001 - Exits for determination of ratingsin vendor evaluation
    MMAL0001 - ALE source list distribution: outboundprocessing
    MMAL0002 - ALE source list distribution: inboundprocessing
    MMAL0003 - ALE purchasing info record distributionutbound processing
    MMAL0004 - ALE purchasing info record distribution:inbound processing
    MMDA0001 - Default values for delivery addresses
    MMFAB001 - User exit for generation of releases
    MRFLB001 - Control items during release creation
    LWBON001 - Enhancement of LIS update throughextension of the communication structure MCKONA (business volumes and rebateincome)
    LWBON003 - Change settlement data for end-of-periodrebate settlement before creation of settlement documents
    LWSUS001 - Customer-specific source determinationin Retail
    LMEXF001 - Conditions in purchasing documentswithout invoice receipt
    LMEKO002 - Enhance communication structure KOMPfor price determination

    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    screen-input = 0. "Grey the field

    Originalmente publicado por Sancliment Ver Mensaje
    Hola amigos del foro

    Una pregunta, como se puede hacer para cambiar un estatus de campo a visual en la creación de pedido (Tx. ME21N) campo precio,para un tipo de pedido en especifico ?

    Existe la manera de hacerlo ?

    Les agradecere sus comentarios


    • #3
      Muchas gracias por tu respuesta Paola, me es de mucha ayuda.


