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Dump en la tx "miro"

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  • Dump en la tx "miro"


    La version que tenemos acualmente forma parte del Enhancement Package4 for sap ERP, componente SAP_APPL 604 level 0005. Lo tenemos en DEC, y estamos haciendo pruebas.

    Al hacer una factura de compra (por ejemplo MIRO) no nos deja grabar y nos salta este dump, estamos buscando notas y hemos encontrado algunas pero no lo solucionan, ¿ a alguien le ha pasado algo parecido ¿?

    Runtime Errors SYNTAX_ERROR
    Date and Time 12.02.2010 09:32:03

    Short text
    Syntax error in program "SAPLMRMN ".

    What happened?
    Error in the ABAP Application Program

    The current ABAP program "SAPLMRMP" had to be terminated because it has
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.

    The following syntax error occurred in program "SAPLMRMN " in include "LMRMNF46
    " in
    line 216:
    "The data object "RSEG" does not have a component called "COMPLAINT_REA"
    " "
    " "
    The include has been created and last changed by:
    Created by: "SAP "
    Last changed by: "SAP "
    Error in the ABAP Application Program

    The current ABAP program "SAPLMRMP" had to be terminated because it has
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.

    Gracias por adelantado,
    Un saludo.
    Un saludo.